Diligent Cook and Rarely Eating Out Proven To Make Body Slimmer

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Diligent Cook and Rarely Eating Out Proven To Make Body Slimmer


Jakarta, If you are currently in a weight loss program, make more time to cook at home. The study reveals the habits of cooking themselves and avoid eating at the restaurant aids healthykan.Ya, researchers from the University of Washington mentions that people who are used to cook, including bringing their own food to eat while in the office, tend to be healthier and have a more controlled weight. It is believed that home cooking allows people to consume more fruits and vegetables, and avoid the choice of sugar, salt and excessive flavor enhancers common to restaurant food. In addition, the choice of groceries at home is also more limited so you will not overeat. The author of this study, Prof. Adam Drewnowski, also mentioned that by cooking more often at home, you have a better diet. According to him, you will certainly choose the best food with a measure of sugar and salt are more controlled too. While if you eat outdoors, you tend to choose more menu choices, with a composition that is not known for sure, added Prof. Drewnowski, as quoted from Daily Mail. In this study, he observed index feeding data on 437 adults in the United States. Once compared, participants who are accustomed to eating home cooking tend to have higher healthy diet points, compared with those who eat more often in restaurants. This study has been published in the journal The American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Also read: Recommended Diet for Men Agar Sperm So Qualified (ajg / vit)



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