Skin ' Slack ' after the Diet as well as Down the weight of the body? Handle with 5 Steps



Skin ' Slack ' after the Diet as well as Down the weight of the body? Handle with 5 Steps


Jakarta, whether both men and women would surely pleased when the weight of his body down after doing a successful diet program. But other problems which usually appear post diet i.e kendurnya skin. How can I solve it? Written Health Me Up Tuesday (19/11/2013), the 6 easy steps to avoid skin sagging after weight down so the body: 1. Lower body weight since age old age mudaSemakin You time doing body weight loss diet program, so the longer the time required to perform a skin self repair. Because when your age so add, so skin elasticity and even designate the more natural decline. Therefore, do not be put off again if indeed You want to have an ideal body weight. 2. Do not be hasty-diet gesaLuangkan when when you want to lose weight the body but still nourish the skin. Diet rush instead of getting rid of the fat, but instead to get rid of muscle. This sort of thing would further affect the metabolic rate and even your health overall. While lowering the weight of the body, there is nothing wrong you also incorporate exercise lifting weights to help wake up the muscles and skin tightening. 3. Use kolagenTerapi cream massage cream with collagen believed could help tighten the muscles and skin. Beyond that, you should also not too much sunlight and do not wear very much the product of a chemical that can harm your skin's elasticity. 4. Drink plenty of water putihAir that is the best step to convince the skin may increase the elasticity and defend it. Whatever exercise you do, consume a minimum of two liters of water daily. Exception help lose body weight, sufficient hydration would make your skin so healthy and fresh. 5. consumption nutrisiJika Enrich weaker collagen cream is very expensive, so it will look as you can expand to consume foods rich in protein such as milk, nuts, lentils, as well as fish. Not just that, fruits and vegetables may also help tighten skin as well as help lower the body's weight. (ajg/vit)


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