Virgin Diet, The New Way to Slim
green coffee penurun berat badan Virgin Diet, The New Way to Slim diet is still a mainstay of many people to get the ideal body shape. Method of any diet constantly updated. The latest is the Virgin diet formulated by nutrition expert JJ Virgin is claimed to be able to lose weight up to 3 kilograms within a week. To get it you are required to eliminate the 7 types of food from a daily diet. Seventh forbidden foods that include gluten (a protein in grains), dairy products, eggs, soy, nuts, corn, and sugar and artificial sweeteners. According to Virgin, the food that had been considered as a healthy food that can cause food intolerance. In contrast with food allergies, food intolerance is a group of psychological response experienced by the body to a particular food. The response can include bloating, muscle aches, headaches, fatigue, and difficulty berkonsentrasi.Banyak people consider the complaint as part of aging. In fact it is a symptom of food intole...